Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Psychological Breakthrough

Seem to be having a mental breakthrough at the moment concerning alcohol. After much reading and meditating on what it does to the system, I have have reached a state of determination / resolve that it is not for me anymore. I know it seems like early days but there has been a huge buildup to this point. Simply, I am meditating on a couple of things such as alcohol in any amount stopping fat burning and stopping muscle growth. These two things are my main physical goals. Funnily enough, I don't even envisage a problem going out and not drinking. It just boils down to a simple choice and the choice is quite an easy one, because I want health and strength more than weakness and sickness. The temptation seems to have gone. Again, I don't want to say too much too soon, but this is how I honestly feel!

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